Saturday, July 26, 2008

Comedy Credit Crunch - Just Dub!

'Once' again and always a clown

Works under consideration: 0
Current Dominant Thought: Tracking…tracking…tracking…
Ideas: 0

Back in the saddle…

eMarketing Exam finished and passed – CHECK
Health returned – CHECK
Creative Juices – CHECK

Back in the saddle is great but shouldn’t there be a horse underneath? Just a crazy thought from a CRAZY GUY!* **

There are three competitions I want to enter (and I have to find out about other writing opportunities) and I want to progress my having my own comedy company.

Where to start.

Own Company – PUT ON HOLD

Competition 1 Every1Sarcastic – Sit Com. Deadline: 15th August
Competition 2 Rise Film screenplay - Film. Deadline: 26th September
Competition 3 Ice and Fire Amnesty Int. - Play. Deadline: 1st August

Bright and clever writers wouldn’t hesitate. I’ll have to skip the Amnesty competition due to lack of time. I did start the process but time caught up and so it’s ann attempt at the Every1Sarcastic com.

I’m writing this from under my bed, along with one diabetic cat, some fluff, a strangely sticky tissue, and a whole lot of doubt.

CWiW thinks…

First get out from under the bed and face the brief… Second make more coffee, third blimey it’s around 15 days to write a 15 min sitcom for the stage…erm…

Well I don’t have an idea. I could adapt something existing but that would be EASY! So I’ll get some paper and doodle…

Let’s see what happens with some writing tools I use onandoff…

- END –

For Kicking an idea around till it GIVES IN!

Random Band Mix
Bedouin Sound Clash v Guns N’ Roses Alumni
Bedouin Slash Sound

*I’m not crazy. You are.
** Steve Martin was once as ‘Crazy as a Clown’s Cock.’ But he joined the Hollywood Bozo club long ago. Comedy is fun not focus groups.

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At 2:49 pm, Blogger Les Becker said...

Hey, you can do this. Most of my ideas reside in the bottom of the sherry decanter. If I could... just... get to it...

At 7:34 pm, Blogger JimKin said...



'We shall overcome...'


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